Biography – Andres Ponce
Andres Ponce has worked on several issues of Tales of TMNT Vol.2 as well as the TMNT Prequel comics. Please help complete this page! Submit info to!
Andres Ponce has worked on several issues of Tales of TMNT Vol.2 as well as the TMNT Prequel comics. Please help complete this page! Submit info to!
Cover: Santiago Bou Story: Jake Black Art: Andres Ponce Letters: Erik Swanson First Printing: March, 2007 Billionaire Max Winters sends April O’Neil to Central America to retrieve an ancient statue.
It’s Shadow’s first day at an expensive private kindergarten and the most important lesson she can learn is how to maintain secrecy about her extended family. Meanwhile, Raph, Leo, Don and Mike learn their own lessons when they attempt to… Continue Reading
“Adventures in Bunnysitting” – Michelangelo’s Utrom friend, Klag, asks the good-natured ninja to take care of his pet bunny while he’s away. Unfortunately for Raphael and Mikey, the rabbit was a test subject for mutagenetic studies – and once the… Continue Reading
“Sometimes They Come Back” – Continuing on from the critically acclaimed “Tales of the TMNT” #56 and #59, the Turtles battle an enemy they never dreamed could create the chaos you’ll find within this book! Gangs, robots, road rage, crazy Australian mercenaries, and… Continue Reading