Biography – Erik Swanson
Erik Swanson has worked on several Mirage comics. Please help complete this page! Submit info to!
Erik Swanson has worked on several Mirage comics. Please help complete this page! Submit info to!
Cover: Santiago Bou Story: Murphy Pencils: Dario Brizuela Inks: Leandro Corral & Dario Brizuela Letters: Erik Swanson First Printing: March, 2007 Leonardo travels the globe and battles evil-doers during his one-year solo mission.
Cover: Santiago Bou Story: Jake Black Art: Andres Ponce Letters: Erik Swanson First Printing: March, 2007 Billionaire Max Winters sends April O’Neil to Central America to retrieve an ancient statue.
Cover: Santiago Bou Story: Bill Moulage Pencils: Jim Lawson Inks: Sean Parsons, Jeremy Colwell, Dan Davis & Hilary Barta Letters: Erik Swanson First Printing: March, 2007 Donatello and Master Splinter track an unidentified flying creature in NYC that ends up… Continue Reading
Cover: Santiago Bou Story: Murphy Art: Fernando Pinto Letters: Erik Swanson First Printing: March, 2007 After the Turtles mop up a patrol of Triceratons, Master Splinter announces that Leonardo is prepared to go on a one-year solo training mission. Raphael… Continue Reading