Biography – Terrence Archie
Terrence Archie is a voice actor with a few roles in the 4Kids cartoon.
Terrence Archie is a voice actor with a few roles in the 4Kids cartoon.
Lloyd Goldfine is the show-runner of the 4kids TMNT cartoon. He was the main liaison between Peter Laird and the rest of the creative team, and was the driving force behind each seasons overall arc. Lloyd contributed to every episode, and was credited as… Continue Reading
Michael B. “Mike” Pollock (Born March 9, 1965), sometimes credited as Herb Lawrence is a American voice actor for many characters in the 2003 animated series. He has appeared as the narrator for 4Kids shows like Pokémon and some promos on the original Fox… Continue Reading
Sean Schemmel (born November 21, 1968; Waterloo, Iowa) is an American voice actor for the 2003 animated series, Fast Forward, Back to the Sewer andTurtles Forever. He has provided voices for a number of English language versions of Japanese anime films, television series, as well… Continue Reading
Klunk Home Earth, New York City, Turtles Lair Ethnicity ? Aliases ? Nickname(s) ? Date of birth ? Date of death ? Abilities Meow, Hiss, Scratch, Bite Weapon(s) of choice Teeth, Claws Occupation Pet Affiliation TMNT Species Cat Gender Height 10 inches Weight… Continue Reading