Playmates 2004 – Utrom

  UTROM The Mysterious Aliens Behind It All! VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: Utrom Flying Disc Weapon of Choice: Intellect Birthplace: Utrom Homeworld Height: 12″ Weight: 12 lbs. Age: Hundreds of Years Previous Form: Ootie (Baby Utrom) Utroms – the little aliens with the big brains and… Continue Reading

Playmates 2004 – Deluxe Fightin’ Gear Michelangelo

  DELUXE FIGHTIN’ GEAR MICHELANGELO Nunchaku Twirling Joke-Meister VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: Battle Shell  Weapon of Choice: Nunchaku  Birthplace: New York City Sewer  Height: 5′ 2″  Weight: 180 lbs.  Age: 15 years  Previous Form: Pet Baby Turtle Nothing comes closer to a real life Teenage Mutant… Continue Reading

Playmates 2004 – Usagi Yojimbo

  USAGI YOJIMBO  17th Century Rabbit Samurai! VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: His own legs, horses Weapon of Choice: Samurai swords (long and short) Birthplace: Feudal Japan Height: 5′ 9″ (ears extended) Age: Unknown Previous Form: None – always Usagi! This ain’t no cuddly cottontail or… Continue Reading

Playmates 2004 – Michelangelo

MICHELANGELO Nunchaku Twirling Joke-Meister VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: Battle Shell  Weapon of Choice: Nunchaku  Birthplace: New York City Sewer  Height: 5′ 2″  Weight: 180 lbs.  Age: 15 years  Previous Form: Pet Baby Turtle Quick with a joke and even quicker with the nunchaku, Michelangelo’s Shredder-stomping Ninjitsu… Continue Reading