Playmates 2003 – Thrashin’ Mike

  THRASHIN’ MIKE  The Extreme Skateboard Surfin’ Ninja Jokester! VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: Ninja Skateboard and Battle Shell Weapon of Choice: Nunchakus Birthplace: New York City sewer Height: 5′ 2″ Weight: 180 lbs. Age: 15 years Previous Form: Pet Baby Turtle Michelangelo is a radical skateboard… Continue Reading

Playmates 2003 – Biker Donatello

  BIKER DONATELLO  The Extreme BMX Riding Turtle! VITAL STATISTICS: Vehicle of Choice: Sewer Stunt Bike, Sewer Slider Weapon of Choice: Bo Staff Birthplace: New York City sewer Height: 5′ 2″ Weight: 180 lbs. Age: 15 years Previous Form: Pet Baby Turtle He’s a techno-geek and ninja-nerd… Continue Reading

Playmates 2003 – Super-Poseable Donatello

SUPER-POSEABLE DONATELLO Now, the boys below can get into situations they’ve never gotten into before! Super-Poseable Turtles are 100% mean, green & completely flexible. Bend ’em into lots of cool ninja stances – the “pose-abilities” are endless (heh, heh… sorry,… Continue Reading