This is our last report for the year of 2001 – not the best of years, to say the least. We’ve had several group discussions about what we should say about the attacks on our city and country on September 11, and we’ve come to the conclusion that the best thing to say is very little. Nothing we can possibly write could begin to explain the devastation that has befallen us all, and since none of us are poets (save for Michaelangelo’s dabblings here and there), we’ve decided to just say that we hope the future will be brighter and better. Our hearts were ripped out on that day, but we will not give up on the ideals that we believe in, we will not falter in our pusuit of justice and we will not give up our hope.
Dwelling on the horror of the terrorist attacks is easy to do, but we’re making our best effort to also enjoy the spirit of the season. It is a time of healing, so we’re doing our best to do so. Where there is light, there is hope, so we continue to burn candles each day.
The City has been quiet since the attacks for the most part. We still run our nightly patrols, but Foot activity has been minimal these past few months. Save for a few sightings, we’d almost believe they’d left New York altogether. We’re sure that they haven’t, but we’re thankful for the respite nonetheless.
We’re packing up to head out for the Holidays. Master Splinter felt that a change of scenery would do us good, so we’re going to Casey’s farm in Massachusetts for a few weeks (so we won’t be replying to mail until we get back in January). We’re planning on having an old fashioned New England Christmas, so it should be a wonderful trip. April and Casey plan on cooking a big meal and we’ll cut down and trim a tree from the nearby woods – perhaps we’ll even make a snowturtle if it snows this year.
That about covers it. Forgive me my dour mood, it’s been a difficult time for all of us. I’ve been doing my best to overcome it. Hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy the Holidays. I’m certainly thankful for all of the friends that I have (you included ;), so if I focus on that, I’m sure I’ll feel much better. I wish you a happy holiday season.
Be well!