It was announced that Dan Duncan is leaving IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles art duties and will be starting a new career in animation. Check out the quote from Bobby Curnow below.
“Unfortunately, during the production of TMNT #11, Dan let me know he wouldn’t be able to continue after #12. So what was going to be a 2-issue hiatus has turned permanent. He got a new gig in the world of TV animation. Dan let me know with ample time, and with LOTS of gratitude, both for the opportunity, and for the fans. He’s grown to be iconic with IDW Turtles and will be missed a lot. He knows he’s welcome back, and we’ve discussed some exciting possibilities for the future, though they will be shorter in nature. At least for the foreseeable future.
Andy Kuhn will indeed be continuing for issues #15 and 16. Beyond that, we’ll see. He’s working on issue #14 now, and turning in some really great stuff. I hope folks enjoy his work as much as I do.”
– Bobby Curnow