Cinefantastique 1991 April
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: They’re Back, but are They as Great at the Boxoffice?”
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: They’re Back, but are They as Great at the Boxoffice?”
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Animatronic Wonders, Behind the Scenes”
“Teenage Mutant Kung-Fu Turtles? The True Story Inside!“
“What Become of Krang?” (1 page feature by Ross May with illustration by theFranchize) “Official Handbook of the Marvel Eighties Universe: O’Neil, April” (1 page feature by James Eatock with illustration by Jon Landry and Nicolas Chapuis) “Movie of the… Continue Reading
“Who Will Win?! Michelangelo vs. Panthro” by Ross May and Jon Talpur with pinup by Jon Landry and Nicolas Chapuis (colors)