Playmates 1992 – Rock N Roll Mondo Gecko

ROCK N ROLL MONDO GECKO “The Peace-lovin Lounge Lizard!” Vital Rocktistics: Accessories: Battle Bass Guitar with Wonder Wheels, Beatnik Brick Pizza Protest Sign, Sunflower Pal Favorite Song: Peace is Victory Mondo’s Motto: Peace or Die Weight: 98 lbs. (without guitar) Tune in,twist off &… Continue Reading

Playmates 1992 – Mutant Military Sewer Sandcruiser

MUTANT MILITARY SEWER SANDCRUISER You’ve never seen anything like this one before! A proven performer in the desert duels of Dimension X, the Sewer Sandcruiser sneaks to the attack with real kowabunga camouflage color. A rotatin’ Turtle turret on top… Continue Reading