Playmates 1994 – Eggsplodin’ Donatello


The Turlte or the egg? Which came first? Well, now with Eggsplodin’ Donatello, that Mutant mystery doesn’t really matter anymore. The important thing to know is that you can’t have one without the other. Eggsplodin’ Donatello without his egg is like a chicken without a road to cross. And with a windin’ whirl on his egg shell, Eggsplodin’ Donatello gets all wound up inside. Then – BLAT! It’s a sewer scramblin’ marvel! The freshly freed Donatello breaks loose from the confines of his Turtle egg shell, then mysteriously rises into action, bodacious bos in his hand and ready for battle! No Foot fool is safe as long as Eggsplodin’ Donatello springs to life from his green egg home. And Hero Hatchin’ Michaelangelo, Shell Splittin’ Raphael and Breakin’ Loose Leonardo are all wound up too, just waitin’ to hatch into battle and join forces with Donatello. He’s a punk pounding hero hatcher who won’t sit still long enough to get scrambled. Eggsplodin’ Donatello is pure action, pure drama, pure protein. And with the tickin’ timing of a cracked egg, you know Donatello’s gonna make sure the yolk’s on the Foot. Once the battle’s over, he’s ready to curl back inside his egg, get all wound up and crack into action again!

© 1994 Playmates

Master Splinter

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