Goodbye Old School

That is right my friends, I have decided that no matter how cool this site is, it is a pain to update and maintain. So what I have decided is that I am moving to a web 2.0 wordpress website with a wiki based style for easier management. Now this might take a while because I have a TON of information on this site already. So I will get everything over as quickly as I can. The new web 2.0 features of this new site are great. If you already subscribe via RSS or Twitter you will get updates whenever anything is automatically added to the site. You can now easily share each page on your social network, and with the wikipedia like interface it is easy to navigate and I believe adds to the information on the site. So this will be my last post here on the old web 1.0… Have no fear though, this site will stay up until the conversion is complete… So sit back and enjoy the show!

Master Splinter

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